Integral Solutions - IT solutions for companies
Integral Solutions - IT solutions for companies

Informatica highly rated

Solutions Informatica receive the highest marks according to Gartner

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Solutions Informatica top rated

according to Gartner in all 5 key areas
Quality of solutions Informatica has been confirmed in Gartner reports, obtaining the highest ratings in all 5 key areas of data management.

Data Quality Solutions

November 2022

Data Integration Tools

August 2022

Enterprise iPaaS

September 2021

Master Data Management Solutions

December 2021

Metadata Management Solutions

November 2020

Clients about us

Robert Rudnicki

Managing Director, BPH Bank

Under the agreement, the company Integral Solutions Sp. z o. o. provided IT support, including in the scope of providing IT specialists providing services in the area of ​​integration or quality improvement.
Service provided by the company Integral Solutions p. z o. o. is completed on time and with due diligence.

Clients about us

Lukasz Jagla

Director of Central Purchasing Department, BNP Paribas Bank Polska

Under the agreement, the company Integral Solutions Sp. z o. o. provided IT support, including by providing IT specialists providing services in the area of ​​data anonymization, integration, quality improvement and data archiving.
Service provided by the company Integral Solutions sp. z o. o. is completed on time and with due diligence.

Clients about us

Ewelina Salamonik

Business Intelligence Manager, Castorama

Under the agreement, Integra! Solutions Sp. z o. o. provides IT support, including by providing IT specialists who provide services in the area of ​​data integration for Business Intelligence environments.
Services provided by Integra! Solutions sp. z o. o. are completed on time and with due diligence.

Clients about us

Grzegorz Marek Ostrowski

Director of Information Systems Department, mBank

Under the agreement, the company Integral Solutions Sp. z o. o. provided IT support, including in the scope of providing IT specialists providing services in the area of ​​integration, quality improvement, data management or BigData.
Service provided by the company Integral Solutions p. z o. o. is completed on time and with due diligence.

Clients about us

Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk

Data Governance Team Leader, Adamed

Under the Agreement, the company Integral Solutions Sp. z o. o. provides IT support, including by providing IT specialists who provide services in the area of ​​data quality improvement, data integration and data cataloging.
Services provided by the company Integral Solutions p. z o. o. are carried out in a timely manner and with due diligence.

Clients about us

Tomasz Ćwik

Head of Strategy & Architecture Department, BNP Paribas Bank Polska

The tool contributed to the success of the integration of Bank BNP Paribas with Raffeisen Bank. We achieved the set goals, which was possible thanks to the excellent work of the team consisting of our employees and Integral Solutions i Informatica.
Solutions Informatica turned out to be quick to implement, cost-effective and addressed legal, compliance, security and data access aspects.

Clients about us

Sebastian Gliński

Starszy Menedżer IT, Departament Hurtowni Danych, Systemów Finansów i Ryzyka, mBank

The basis of cooperation with Integra! Solutions is commitment and flexibility in response to our current needs. Services are delivered on time with due diligence.
Therefore, I recommend Integra! Solutions Sp. z o. o. as a trustworthy partner who guarantees the standards and high level of services provided.

Clients about us

Marek Rybka

Dyrektor Departamentu Informacji Zarządczej, PKO BP

Professionalism and experience of the company Integral Solutions Sp. z o. o. have been confirmed in the implementation of several projects based on the Informatica PowerCenter tool used by Bank PKO BP.
We highly appreciate the way the project is run, the timeliness of implementation and the professionalism of the company's consultants Integral Solutions Ltd.
We are happy to recommend Integral Solutions Sp. z o. o. as a professional contractor of advanced IT solutions.

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